Sunbonnet Sue
9291 OH-48 | Covington, Ohio
The pattern was selected because Mrs. Batdorf recalls that both of her grandmothers wore sunbonnets in the summer. Also, her middle name is Sue and felt this choice was meant to be. Mr. Batdorf also selected the same pattern, not knowing that his wife had already chosen it.
The barn is a Bank Barn and was constructed in the late 1800s from huge oak beams and wood siding with a shingle roof. There was evidence of dairy cattle and horses with a cement water trough inside. The top had a hay fork and the track is still there today. A granary is also there on the southwest corner. Through the years the barn was remodeled and additions were made to the structure, with the final one to the bottom level for raising hogs, in the spring of 1993. The current owners, who purchased 130 acres of the land in 1986, and then the additional 10 acres and buildings in 1992, now use the bottom of the barn to house 300 hogs, and the top level holds straw and hay for their livestock.
Located West of Piqua, north of Covington. Rt. 48 runs north and south through the towns of West Milton, Pleasant Hill, and Covington in the western part of Miami County. Rt. 185 runs west from Piqua and intersects Rt. 48 north of Covington. Property is 0.8 miles north of SR 185, just north of Union Church Rd., east (right) side of road. Visitors may park in the driveway on the west end of the barn.
Sponsor: Miami County Farm Bureau Women