History Alive at the Johnston Farm
July 29, 2023 - July 30, 2023
Johnston Farm & Indian Agency
9845 North Hardin Rd. | Piqua, OH 45356
Come experience Living History at its finest!
Johnston Farm & Indian Agency Museum with Wayne’s Legion of Ft. Piqua present: History Alive at Fort Piqua.
Celebrate the time of 1745 through 1862 as it really was in early Ohio. Tour Johston’s home. Feel and hear the power of cannon fire. See artisans of the time period at work. See and smell food cooking as it was done then. Ride an actual canal boat on the Miami-Erie Canal. All this and much more.
Saturday, July 29 from 10 am to 5 pm.
Sunday, July 30 from 10 am to 4 pm.
$10/Adult, $5/child (6 – 12), children under 6 free
This event is in conjunction with Wayne’s Legion of Fort Piqua.